A Thousand Solar Eclipses

A Thousand Solar Eclipses

I have been in Ghana for exactly one month! And technically I should be on a flight right now…

Today Ghana had a partial solar eclipse and I went to the only Planetarium in West Africa to attend the event. I learned that there were a lot more ways of experiencing the eclipse than through special glasses. Here a boy shows how you can see not just one, but many eclipses through a colander.

As you might have noticed I have not been able to publish many short pieces of film on the blog yet. I have been traveling and filming so much that I couldn’t find the time to do so! But I would love to share some nevertheless when I am back in London and in the process of editing. Because even when I am not in Ghana anymore, the journey will continue…

Anyway, for now I will still have another week to meet, listen to and film interesting people, as I changed my flight.


Dr. Ashong tells me about the planetarium which he built himself.



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