Tired, however satisfied, I am currently waiting to board the plane back home.
Today was a busy day; I visited the Netherlands Embassy here in Accra and CIKOD (Center of Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development) to screen the film.
The latter introduced me to Madam Tahiru (she is the lady producing shea butter in the film). Main discussion point today that was raised after both screenings was the need for Ghanaian scientists to further develop their own path in science, instead of trying to recreate a Western way of science. Because there are interesting viewpoints and approaches inherent to their work.
Whether shaped by culture, tradition or necessity. I think back to this week as a successful one, in which I managed (with a lot of help from Prof. Allotey et al.) to get the film back to Ghana.
I’m waiting in an Airport which has changed a lot since two years ago I last was here. As did the programs I saw appear on tv. A real facelift. What is beneath it I don’t know. I know I will sleep very tight on my flight back to Amsterdam.