I think it is important that people start listening to people again.
In real life, but also on television, in film, and let’s not forget on the internet. It feels like the future is in going faster, harder, stronger, sexier. But I like to think that is nonsense. Let’s go back to the retro concept of taking time and watch or see something unfolding. A real hip and vintage idea don’t you think?
I’d like to take you back to something I posted earlier, titled Mad about Maths. That day was all about listening, as I interviewed seventeen Master’s students from 16 different countries in Africa on their aspirations and their passion. I really enjoyed my shoot there, it was great to speak with people who are so driven! In this ‘Have a taste’ episode I’d like to show a quote of one of the Ghanaian students at AIMS (the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Ghana of which Professor Allotey actually is founder).
Since this is all about giving a taste, I am not going to show you every student I interviewed (yet!). But I liked the spirit of this quote and the way Mary explains what it is that she likes about mathematics, so I did not want to keep that from you.